Core Services














Mouse Monoclonal Antibodies Core


Core Leader: Mary Ann Accavitti-Loper

University of Alabama at Birmingham


The primary goal of the Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Core (mMAC) is to provide SERCEB investigators with new or existing monoclonal reagents required for studies relating to biodefense or emerging infectious diseases. The mMAC is housed within UAB’s Epitope Recogniton and Immunoreagent Core (ERIC), a well-established monoclonal antibody (mAb) facility with over 25 years of experience in hybridoma development. The core supplies basic hybridoma services including procurement and housing of pathogen-free rodents, design and implementation of immunization strategies, sera testing, performance of fusions and screening assays, cryopreservation of hybridoma lines, subcloning, isotyping and large-scale production and purification of Mabs. The core has extensive experience in working with offsite collaborators and has developed flexible protocols that provide investigators with extended periods of time for performance of specialized screening strategies or work that must be performed in BSL3 facilities. During the current budget period, the mMAC has been awarded supplementary funds to finance the production of peptide or recombinant protein immunogens required for mAb development. As a result, investigators that require peptide or recombinant proteins for mAb production but do not have the resources to produce them, will be able to obtain this service through the mMAC.